Anxiety Unplugged

Staying Calm, Sane, and Open in a Chaotic World

What is anxiety and how is it affecting us? We often think of anxiety as ranging from mild unease to full-blown panic attacks. But anxiety also drives our addictive behaviors and the habits we use to cope (e.g. stress eating, procrastination, doom scrolling and social media). Add to that, the fact that anxiety lives in the part of our brain that resists rational thought, and it is easy to see how we can get stuck in anxiety loops where we simply can’t think our way out. But what if we could pull the plug on anxiety and increase resilience, courage, and lasting calm. Join us as we start a conversation and explore some personal stories of those who have made the shift from anxious to calm, chaos to peace amidst a chaotic world. 

Live In-Person Event
Doors open at 7:00pm. Event starts at 7:30pm.
Chief Sepass Theatre in Fort Langley
9096 Trattle St, Langley Twp, BC V1M 2S6


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From Conflict to Connection