My 3 Day Experience: Amber P.

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, the depths of my bones, the core space of my mind and soul… thank you! Coming into this experience, I knew I wanted change. Positive, forward-focussed change and some freedom in my life from the chains of past trauma. I knew I needed to take some steps to process a slough of traumas...or else. Or else this “puppy” was going to bite back hard the next time she got kicked and would unleash a world of dark and ugly. I was like a ticking time bomb walking into this experience. Tina, your share during the feedback exercise cut through like a knife. Few people in this world (or at least, that was one of the stories I was telling myself prior to this weekend) had really seen me. You broke through. Your pure and honest words of radiating light shattered some of those dark shadows within me in that moment and helped to open me up again. You have a true gift of love and are a vessel of creator, of spirit...of life. 

Irene, during one of the processes, when you so assuredly, so deeply lovingly whispered into my ear that I was safe as I was falling, it was as if my spirit was suddenly released. It was like the little girl inside of me, my little me, was finally un-suffocated and returned (there is a story behind my use of the word “unsuffocated”. I experienced a traumatic incident in early childhood, where my face was covered with a pillow and I had not been able to heal from that incident, despite different forms of therapy, until this magical moment). Collectively, I was given my life back, my innocence and my freedom. For the first time, I felt safe. When I was in my mother’s stomach (I was told she was in her second or third trimester), she was/we were assaulted by her grandmother, who she had been living with at the time. Even the womb was never safe for me. This particular process gave me a second chance, it gave me back a nurturing, vulnerable, and above all SAFE in-the-womb-like experience. Nothing short of profound. 

Today, I finally know that I am safe and I know what real love looks like. No more leftovers for this strong, valuable woman. Angie, thank you so much for your feedback share and helping bring that hurt part of me to light. Two of you strong facilitators helped me to identify the value in myself and to define my personal contract. My best hope is that I will continue to find value in myself and that I will treat both myself and others accordingly—living in harmony, peace, and LOVE going forward. 

Teresa, I can’t thank you enough for your unconditional love, infinite positive regard and invitingly radiant energy that helped to lift my spirits, reignite some deep-seated passions and carried me into those doors on Friday morning! Each of you touched my heart and corrected the course of my life. I love you! 

I am a strong, valuable, and influential woman of purpose! 

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