
Personality Dimensions

Recognize Strengths and Appreciate Differences

Personality Dimensions® is about understanding yourself and others so you can be more effective in your relationships at home, work, and in your community.

Everyone is different ... we come in all varieties and understanding our own values, strengths, joys and stressors and those of everyone we interact with provides a great foundation for communication. Knowing some of the ways people are different assures us that we are okay in our own uniqueness and that we aren’t alone in some of our idiosyncrasies.

Personality Dimensions® translates complex personality theory into everyday language. It creates a framework for understanding – not a pigeonhole. You will recognize temperament patterns that you are comfortable with and those of people that you know, but it is not about putting people into a box. Identifying differences and similarities through Personality Dimensions® doesn’t determine our behaviour – we make those choices. We may be strongly inclined to act in certain ways but we each can decide how we will behave.

Most people find the experience of discovering their natural inclinations to be both very invigorating and self-affirming. It can also be a real eye-opening experience! Understanding your natural tendencies can let you consciously change your behaviours without changing who you are. It will give you the energy and confidence to develop beyond your natural self.

Personality Dimensions® is the latest evolution in presenting Personality Temperament Theory. It builds on research conducted in Canada for over two decades, and the foundations established by the work of Carl Jung, David Keirsey, Linda Berens, as well as a history of Temperament that spans 25 centuries

Facilitated By: Ken Peterson

Ken is an experienced Level II Personality Dimensions Facilitator and has presented True Colours and Personality Dimensions workshops for business, industry, government, and non-profit agencies since 1998. During this time he has presented in excess of 300 Colours workshops for business, industry, and government in BC, Alberta, Oregon, Texas, Tennessee, and Georgia. Ken has also been a facilitator in five day personal growth shops in the same venues for Choices Seminars Unlimited, Adventures of a Lifetime, and Foundations for the Future.


Whether or not we have any upcoming dates, if you would like us to facilitate a masterclass for a group of your friends, or a corporate team etc., please contact us. We would love to find a way to help make that happen.


The Courageous Self-Love Challenge