Love + Living Your Best Self

Are you living life as your best self? Put another way, are you thriving, or just surviving? It’s a question few can answer with a resounding yes. After all, being true to yourself and leading an authentic life isn’t easy. While learning how to live your best self might be one of the most valuable lessons in life, most of us have not been taught how to go about it. Too often we spend our lives working to shape an identity for ourselves, while our true identity remains buried beneath stories we’ve come to believe about ourselves—stories we accept as true as they’ve been handed to us by friends, family, peers, and our own negative self talk. These stories combined with ego, fear, and shame, then convince us of an identity that is less than who we were born to be—in turn reducing our capacity to authentically love ourselves and others. To kick off January 2020 we think it’s time to start a conversation around what it takes to uncover your true identity and live your best self.




LifeApp Live

Live is a monthly event mixing the arts, music, speakers, and interviews—starting conversations that matter around the art, science, and spirit of love.


Love + How We Say It


Real Men + The Mosaic of Masculinity