Love: What Is It + How Do We Live It

What is love? Is it an emotion, a way of living, the energy pulsing through the universe? Where does it come from? Does it happen to us, or do we align ourselves with it? What does it really look like to live love well—toward ourselves, others, our planet, and the universe? Whether it’s in the songs we sing, the movies we watch, or the communities we live among; most of us assume we understand love, know what it looks like, have clarity on where it comes from, and therefore are convinced that we know how to live it. But what if we’ve missed something? What if there’s more to love than we've yet discovered? What might change if we were to stretch the boundaries of our awareness and understanding of love and how we actually live it—at home, work, school, in government, and around the globe. This month we want to launch a conversation exploring what love is and how to live it well in all four dimensions; mentally, socially, physically, and spiritually.

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LifeApp Live

Live is a monthly event mixing the arts, music, speakers, and interviews—starting conversations that matter around the art, science, and spirit of love.


Identity + Purpose


Shame On You + How To Shake It